Tuesday 26 March 2019

What can I do that I could not do before?
The listeners

What do I like the most?
The vocabulary

What do I do well?
The grammar

What am I confused about?
In the translation

With what do I need help?
With the verb tenses

What do I do in English outside of class?
Study with a prefessor

What do I need to improve?
Review the exam

Thursday 21 March 2019


Cross hatching: it´s a way to give shade to a drawing.
Dashed: they are lines that are discontinuous.
Blurred: they are vanished  so they are hard to see.
Simple lines: they are shapes formed by only one line.
Broken lines: they are formed by fragment of straight lines with different directions.
Wavy lines: they are fomed by curved lines
Composite: they are lines  composed by several straight and curved lines.
Vertical lines: they express ascendant or descendant depending they are used.
Horizontal lines: they produce visual feeling of stabilityand tranquility.
Skew lines: they produce unsteadiness and movement feeling.

Curly lines: they show loops and has curved wavy lines.
Scribble lines: they are lines in every directions.
Hatching: it´s a way to give tones to objects or to surface with paralels lines.
Cross hatching: it´s a way to give shade to a drawing.
Dashed: they are lines that are discontinuous.
Blurred: they are vanished  so they are hard to see.
Simple lines: they are shapes formed by only one line.


Circle: It is a round geometric shape.
Circunference: It's the outside part of the circle.
Center: It is the middle point of the circle.
Radius: It is the line that goes from the center to a part of the circunference.
Diameter: It is the line that goes from one part of the circunference to another passing through the center.
Hord: It is the line that goes from one part of the circunference to another without going through the center.
Arc: It is a part of the circumference.

                                                       Resultado de imagen de PARTS CIRCLES


DOT: It’s the smallest and the simplest element in art expression. It may have differents qualities such us size, shape and colour.
 THE DOT THREE DIMENSIONAL CAPACITY: When the size, shapes and colours are changed, the dos can create visual sensations.

THE DOT EXPRESSVE CAPACITYThe point has a ulimited capacity to represent images to express ideas and emotions.

 OPTICAL MIXWhen colours are mixed with the help of distance. Point isn’t mixed on the palette or on the painting. The optical mix was used first the pointillism.

Saturday 16 March 2019


Symetry: Its a equality of some shapes wich some of their parts

Reflacion Symetry: It is a shape quality wich is formed by 2 lines

Symetry Axis: It is a line wich is formed by 2 lines
Resultado de imagen de symetry

Saturday 9 March 2019

 Shape: is the external appearance of an object or element in a obejct
-Natura shapes: they ate the ones related to nature they haven’t  created by any human
-Artificial shapes: shapes which have been created by humans.
-Organic: shapes: they are shapes that have irregular profile  as well s their inner Surface: Organic shapes are usually natural.
-Flat shapes: they have two dimensions such a paper sheet 
-Form: they: are volumetric shapes, they appear and are three dimensional.